Regular visits to the dentist is a critical component of your oral health as it can help with the early detection of oral problems. Observing a good dental hygiene routine can help avoid several problems such as tooth decay, maintain healthy gums and prevent tooth loss. In case you are experiencing tooth ache or inflammation, undergoing a root canal procedure can help restore functionality while preventing any further damage. While the signs of needing a root canal may be subtle at the beginning, here are some of the signs and symptoms that you need a root canal in Vancouver, WA.
Persistent Toothache
Toothaches may not necessarily be a sign that you need a root canal procedure. But when the problem persists especially when eating, you may need to make an appointment with a dentist.
A tooth infection may lead to severe swelling of the face and jaw. It is common in such instances for the surrounding gums to swell with accompanied tooth ache due to the root being affected. The swelling may also be indicative of dental abscess which will need root canal treatment to be cleared.
Discolored or Darkened Tooth
The breakdown of internal tissues may lead to a discolored or darkened tooth. While it is common to have a discolored tooth, the severity may differ, pointing to a deeper problem requiring root canal.
Prolonged Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is a common occurrence for individuals who may need root canal. Tooth aches that occur when you drink hot or cold drinks can begin as a dull ache then progress to intense sharp pain. This pain may occur due to damaged nerve endings and blood vessels, necessitating a root canal.
Today’s Dentistry offers professional dental services such as cosmetic dentistry, tooth replacement, oral appliances and orthodontics. You can find some of the other services by visiting Today’s Dentistry.