Tips For Getting Dentures in Waimanalo

by | Jan 18, 2018 | Dentist

When a person first gets their dentures, they can often feel overwhelmed and even nervous. Although there are a few different steps involved in the process, most people find it worth the wait. Those who are missing most or all of their teeth find eating and speaking difficult. Thankfully, these people have the option of seeking their dentist for Dentures in Waimanalo. Dentures can dramatically improve a person’s appearance and allow them to enjoy eating again.

What Happens When Getting Dentures?

When patients seek their dentist for Dentures in Waimanalo, the dentist first examines their mouth to determine if they are a good candidate. The patient must have good gum health and strong enough jawbone tissue to hold the dentures in place. If the patient is found to be a good candidate for dentures, the dentist will need to remove any lingering teeth and begin the process of providing a template to the dental lab.

Impressions are made of the upper and lower gum plates so the dental lab will be able to create a pair of dentures that will precisely fit the patient’s gum plates. Without a perfect fit, the dentures will simply slide around in the mouth and cause discomfort and irritation. Ill-fitting dentures also make it difficult to chew and speak normally.

Once the pair of dentures has been created for the patient, a fitting will take place. The dentist will check for a perfect fit and will have the patient wear their dentures for a couple of weeks to see if any adjustments need to be made.

Getting Used to Wearing Dentures

When a person first starts wearing dentures, they may find it slightly difficult. Excessive drooling will occur at first because the body finds the dentures to be a foreign body. This should subside over time. Individuals may also find their dentures leave their gums a little sore. As the gum tissue toughens, this will go away.
It is important a person wears their dentures as much as possible in the beginning. Using medications can help curb the discomfort.

If you are in need of dentures, schedule a dental appointment right away. With an appointment, you can learn if you are a good candidate.

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