Most people can find plenty of reasons to not see a dentist when there is no pain present. In fact, some dental issues cause little to no discomfort. That doesn’t mean they do not need to be addressed as soon as possible. Even with something like extractions, waiting...
Alvaro Altieri
How to Care for a Tooth After a Root Canal in Hyde Park
Root canal therapy is one of the most commonly used dental procedures. The treatment is prescribed whenever a tooth becomes infected and the nerve becomes inflamed. A successful root canal keeps the patient from needing to have a tooth extraction. Following a Root...
What You Will Need to Know About Dental Strips in Palm Coast, Florida
Dental finishing strips are designed to provide a smooth finish after a dental procedure. They can help protect the tooth from long-term damage. There are several things that you will need to know about dental strips. What Are Finishing Strips Made Out? The finishing...
Things To Know About Dental X-Rays in Midwest City OK
Many people have misconceptions or do not have a full understanding of the use of Dental X-Rays in Midwest City OK. X-rays are a great way to perform a checkup on the health of the mouth. There are several types of dental x-ray procedures that are commonly used,...
The Best Place For Tooth Extraction in Sutherlin Oregon
Should a person get a tooth pulled at the family dentist’s office or at a dental surgery clinic? More and more dental offices are referring patients to clinics such as Harvard Dental Group and Implant Surgery for tooth extraction in Sutherlin Oregon. Dental surgery...