Buying a Building or Leasing With a Dental Practice for Sale in San Diego

by | Feb 25, 2020 | Dentist

When a dentist decides it’s time to start a solo business, this person may shop for a dental practice for sale in San Diego instead of starting a new organization. One aspect to consider is whether the practice is in a building the current dentist owns or whether the space for the clinic is rented. Both have advantages.

Property Ownership

An important advantage of buying a building with a dental practice for sale in San Diego is the aspect of property ownership. The person now owns land and a structure that is very likely to grow in value over the years.

Having Control

It might seem like being responsible for the maintenance, cleaning and landscaping would be a hassle, making leasing space seem more attractive. However, having control over these projects allows the dentist to make sure the place always looks tidy, clean and well-maintained. When leasing space for a clinic, the dentist turns that control over to the building owner or manager.

Saving Money

One important advantage of renting is if the dentist can lock in a long-term lease at a relatively low price. If the dentist can see that the building is kept in excellent condition, choosing to rent will save money over buying real estate. The new practice owner will not have to make a hefty down payment and monthly mortgage payments. This dentist also will not have to pay property taxes.

Both types of opportunities can be found through the brokerage Western Practice Sales.

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