The Cosmetic Dentist in Annapolis Performs Whitening Treatments

by | Nov 20, 2017 | Dentist

Teeth whitening may have been around for many years but today’s treatments are more effective than in the past. Instead of lackluster results, patients can now experience major improvements in the shade of their teeth, allowing them to have the bright white smile they long for. Those who are considering teeth whitening need to schedule a consultation appointment with the Cosmetic Dentist in Annapolis.

How Does the Dentist Whiten the Teeth?

Patients who go in for a dental whitening treatment will need to be prepared for what to expect. There are a few different steps in the process, depending on the type of teeth whitening treatments the Cosmetic Dentist in Annapolis is performing:

  *     The first step involves the dentist gently cleaning the teeth to remove any plaque or tartar that could stand in the way of effective whitening. If these are not removed before the treatment begins, the whitening agent will not be absorbed into the dentin area, where the vast majority of stains become trapped.

  *     The gums will be protected with a special dam and the cheeks and lips will be protected with a protractor. These protective devices help to shield the sensitive oral tissues from coming into contact with the whitening agent.

  *     The whitening agent is then applied to the teeth to ensure they are well coated. The agent will be left in place for a specific time period to ensure it is able to penetrate deep into the teeth so the stains can be properly removed.

  *     The agent is left in place no longer than an hour and the dentist will periodically check the results. While some people will be able to achieve the results they want in one treatment, some will need other treatments to reach their final desired shade.

Call For a Consultation

If you are tired of seeing a dull smile, the cosmetic dentist can offer you whitening treatments. To learn more about these treatments, Click Here and visit us website. Call the office right away if you would like to schedule your consultation appointment to get started. With a whitening treatment, your smile can be made to look amazingly beautiful.

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